Saturday, September 4, 2010

Painted Wood Floors

I'm a fan of stained concrete floors. It's in my price range. When/if I ever build my own house, that might be the way we go. But I really like the look of painted wood floors. Quit with the gasping, I'm not above painting wood. If God didn't want us to paint wood, He wouldn't have made the world with so many beautiful colors.

This room is fantastic! It wouldn't work where I live, way to many bugs. But if you didn't paint the floors that room would be so incredibly dark. It just wouldn't work. And the Coastal Living article even says how easy painted wood floors are to maintain.
Photographer Michael Skott  

 You can do patterns. (I love the cats, but Sweetie needs to hop off the table, please.)
Found at Wide Open Spaces

Stripes can change the feel of a room making it seem wider or longer.
Found at Decor Pad

Painted floors are just full of character. I love character!


  1. Great post filled with beautiful images! I am just loving your blog here. You have such a great eye, but I especially love your writing voice! I can't wait to come back!

  2. Great designs, such kind of posts are very helpful to get new ideas about flooring, i never thought to paint the floors of my home, will definitely try it now.
